Tuesday 23 July 2013

Treat Temporary Hair Loss in Women

    • 1
See a doctor when experiencing excessive hair loss following pregnancy, menopause, rapid weight loss, extreme illness or surgery. This often temporary hair loss may be controlled with prescription shampoos or dietary supplements.
    • 2
Use a doctor-approved shampoo or <p><a href="http://www.hair-again.net">Hair loss treatment</a>Hair again is the most advanced hair
growth pills in the world. Based on 20 years of research.</p>for temporary female hair loss due to stress, burns, injury or chemotherapy.
    • 3
Buy an over-the-counter minoxidil product specially formulated for women. Taken as directed, it may boost the regrowth of hair.
    • 4
Use a natural or synthetic (prescription) antifungal shampoo to keep the scalp healthy in combination with minoxidil or dietary supplements.
    • 5
Consult an herbologist or trusted source for natural remedies, which may incorporate ingredients such as stinging nettle, saw palmetto, green tea or other organic ingredients shown to inhibit female hair loss. Follow the dosage carefully.
    • 6
Get the hair you've always dreamed of by buying a quality wig. Pattern baldness that doesn't respond to <p><a href="http://www.hair-again.net">Hair loss treatment</a>Hair again is the most advanced hair
growth pills in the world. Based on 20 years of research.</p>can be cosmetically improved.
Most males and females in modern world are losing hair because of reasons like stress, water, lifestyle. But the main culprit is DHT. Advance Hair Studio has invented this laser technology which gets rid of this DHT problem and enables your follicles to get the required blood circulation and nourishment and once that happens there are 5 things you achieve-
  • It stops your hair loss and saves your existing hair.
  • It thickens all your existing weak strands.
  • It also grows new hair only in those areas where the follicles are alive and deep rooted.
  • If you have dandruff and flaking related problems because of DHT it eliminates that.
  • It improves the texture of your hair tremendously due to the blood circulation reaching your scalp.
This is a Cold beam patented technology that is exclusively available at and out of AHS across the world. We do not outsource to any company nor are we allowed to source anything locally.Thousands of people across the world including some of our Brand Ambassadors like Sourav Ganguly, Shane Warne, Ravi Bopara, Anjali Sachin Tendulkar have benefited with our Advanced Laser Therapy ®.
Female Hair Loss and hair related problems are more common than you may think, with up to 13% of women experiencing some form of hair loss before menopause according to some research. The major cause of hair loss in women or Female Pattern Baldness is thought to be a combination of physical, hormonal, and emotional changes. Before we move on to specific causes of balding and Alopecia in women, here are some basic facts related to hair and hair loss -